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The Local Congress President & Secretary


Each ERA Congress has two Presidents: the President of ERA and a local President proposed by the Council. There will also be a local Secretary, also appointed by the Council. An appropriate disclaimer must be signed by the local Congress President and Secretary. The local Congress President will report to the Council at each meeting to which he/she is invited to attend (Pre-Post Congress Councils one year before the Congress and the year of the Congress itself).


I. Local Congress Secretary

The Council will appoint a local Congress Secretary to help the local Congress President perform his/her duties and to represent the local nephrological community especially if the local Congress President is not from the Country where the Congress is held. The name of the local Congress Secretary will be acknowledged appropriately under the “Local Organising Committee” in any of the Congress communications. Any person that the local Congress President and the local Congress Secretary decide upon will be part of this “Local Organising Committee”. All the members of this committee must sign the appropriate disclaimer form.


II. Support by the ERA HQ

The local Congress President and Secretary can rely on the assistance of the appointed staff of the ERA HQ at any time and for any matters related to the Congress.

Very often the local Congress President and Secretary of an ERA Congress receives requests of various kinds from the Industry (e.g. companies looking for visibility in the Congress, through sponsorships or ancillary events) and from individuals (especially doctors from developing countries, looking for financial support to attend the Congress). ERA has precise and well-established rules on how to handle such requests, and trained staff to deal with them, so the local Congress President and Secretary will be able to forward any request or offer to a specific department or person of the ERA HQ.


III. Taking part in the Scientific Committee (SC) and other duties linked to the scientific programme

The local Congress President and Secretary are ex-officio members of the Scientific Committee (SC), in collaboration with the SC Chair, they must select the Chairs of the Congress sessions and finally they are part of the restricted committee that evaluates the content of the Industry Symposia.


IV. Being the ‘Ambassador’ of ERA in the city and country where the Congress is held

When an ERA Congress is held, it is important to give due consideration to the local representatives of the medical profession and medical research. Liaising with local nephrologists, academics and researchers, inviting them to the Congress etc. should be ideally done by the local Congress President and the local Congress Secretary, this last one especially when the local Congress President is not from the Country where the Congress is held. Also, with regard to the possibility for the Congress to obtain some help or sponsorship from local institutions (municipality or government or other) the matter should be explored and carried out by the local Congress President and the local Congress Secretary, this last one especially when the local Congress President is not from the Country where the Congress is held.


V. Being the ‘Ambassador’ of the Congress in the contacts with the media

Press releases, press conferences and interviews will be organized by ERA to highlight the newest and most important topics of the scientific program. The local Congress President and the local Congress Secretary, this last one especially when the local Congress President is not from the Country where the Congress is held, should be available for interviews and press conferences before and during the event, with local and with international media. They will be assisted in this by the person responsible (if any) for the ERA Press Office.


VI. Being the ‘Ambassador’ of the Congress in the contacts with the local industry

The local Congress President and the local Congress Secretary, this last one especially when the local Congress President is not from the Country where the Congress is held, are expected to look for local sponsors to help finance some of the Congress expenses, especially linked to specific events to be held during the Congress itself.


VII. His/her role with regard to the official invitation letter and the Opening / Welcome Ceremonies

The local Congress President will also be in charge of writing an invitation letter for the Congress announcement and a welcome letter for the Final Programme. He/She should also give short speeches at the official Congress Opening and Welcome Ceremonies.


VIII. Council Dinner and The President’s Dinner.

The Local Congress President helps choose the venues for the Council Dinner and the President’s dinner.

The President’s dinner that takes place at every annual Congress, has traditionally a number of guests that may vary from 120 to 150, according to a specific budget.

The invitations are sent on behalf of the local Congress President and include a specific list of guests (with their eventual accompanying guest).


IX. Expenses

The Local Congress President can be reimbursed by the Association for any eventual expenses (subject to the submission of the proper receipts) that he/she incurs in for any travel/accommodation costs related to his/her role, which however must be reasonable (the person in charge of approving the costs is the Secretary General). His/her travel and accommodation expenses to attend Council meetings will be covered by the ERA (more details can be found in the General Rules for ERA Committees).


Last update: February 2024