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Diplomas and Certificates given during the Annual Congress


I. Who is in charge of preparing them

Specific templates must be used for all ERA Diplomas/Certificates.

The ERA HQ staff member in charge of the specific Committee/Working Group/Event is in charge of preparing them.


II. Procedure to be followed

Below is a list of Diplomas/Certificates that are normally given out during the Congress, by who and when.  

If the person who must receive the Diploma/Certificate cannot receive it during the Congress and/or in person, it will be sent to him/her by post. 

  1. Ex-Officio and Ordinary Council members ending their term. These are handed out by the ERA President during the President’s Dinner. In this case also small gifts will be given. They must be signed by the President and the Secretary General (in case of the President’s and Secretary General’s certificates, these will be signed by the President Elect and Secretary General Elect, respectively) 
  2. Local Congress President. The ERA President will hand it over during the President’s Dinner. This will be signed by the ERA President and the ERA Secretary General 
  3. The Chair of the Paper Selection Committee, the Chairs of the ERA Working Groups, Task Forces and Committees as well as the Editors-in-Chief of the ERA Journals ending their term. The ERA President will hand them over during the President’s Dinner. These will be signed by the ERA President and the Secretary General 
  4. Chair of the Congress Scientific Committee. The ERA President will hand it over during the Welcome Ceremony. This will be signed by the ERA President and the ERA Secretary General 
  5. ERA Award Winners. The ERA President will hand them over during the Welcome Ceremony. In this case also special plaques will be given. These will be signed by the ERA President and the ERA Secretary General 
  6. FERA. Any FERA certificate and pin are handed out to the granted person by the ERA President during the General Assembly. These are signed by the ERA President and the ERA Secretary General 
  7. Any board member leaving the Editorial Board (for the ERA Publications) or an ERA Working Group/Committee. The EiC or the Chair of the Board will hand it over during the Board Meeting (if any is held). These will be signed by the ERA President and the Chair/Editor-in-Chief of the ERA Board 
  8. Best Abstracts. All authors of Best Abstract will receive a certificate signed by the ERA President, the ERA Secretary General and the Chair of the PSC. The best absolute 10 abstracts and the best 8 abstracts presented by young authors will receive a diploma that will be given to the presenter by the Chair of the Session immediately after their presentation, all other authors of Best Abstracts must instead collect their diploma/certificate at the Faculty Desk.


III. Various

  1. All authors of accepted abstracts will receive, after the Congress, a special certificate that can be downloaded from their restricted area, provided that they attended the Congress. The certificate will be signed by the ERA President and the Chair of the PSC. 
  2. All abstracts’ reviewers will receive, after the Congress, a special certificate that can be downloaded from their ERA Membership restricted area (MY ERA), signed by the ERA President and the Chair of the PSC. 
  3. Certificates of attendance and the UEMS certificates can be downloaded from the Congress Members themselves from their restricted area (MY ERA). The certificates of attendance are signed by the ERA President and the local Congress President while the UEMS certificate is signed by the local Congress President, the Chair of the Congress Scientific Committee and the UEMS Renal Section Chair. 
  4. SoMe Team Leader and Members. All the members of the SoMe Team will receive a certificate for each Congress they follow: this certificate will be given to them at the ERA Booth during the Congress by the ECC Chair and it will be signed by the ERA President, the Chair of the SC and the ECC Chair.  


Last update: February 2024