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Congress grants and support for young nephrologists


Up to 90 Congress Grants can be assigned to the young (under 40) presenting authors of the best rated abstracts. The Congress Grants are normally distributed in four groups (Council can however decide on adding other groups to this list): up to 22 to the best presentations in Basic Sciences, up to 22 to the best presentations in Nephrology, up to 22 to the best presentations in Dialysis, up to 22 to the best presentations in Transplantation.

The Grant consists in a free Congress membership and a contribution of EUR 500.00 to help meet the travel expenses to attend the Congress. The contribution is EUR 1,000.00 for the first two authors in each group, these grant winners receive also a diploma, whereas the other grant winners receive a certificate. Diplomas and certificates, as well as the voucher for the grant, are given by the Chairs to the winners after their presentation during the free communication sessions or symposia; with regard instead to the winners of the mini-oral sessions, they must personally pick up their diplomas/certificates and grants directly at the ERA Faculty and Grants desk after their presentation. High visibility will be given to all the winning abstracts in a special session on the Congress website. 

IMPORTANT. The purpose of these grants is to enable young doctors to make their presentations at the Congress, so in case they do not make their presentations they will not be entitled to receive the grants.


I. ASQ PROGRAMME. Special grants for young abstract authors coming from developing countries.

A certain number of grants will be given to presenting authors of accepted abstracts (younger than 45) coming from developing countries (GDP less than USD 10,000 a year – World Bank database).

The number of grants should not be more than 10, with a minimum of 4, for each Congress: the final number will depend on how many replies will be received to the Congress survey (“Altruistic Survey by Questionnaire” – ASQ) sent the year before (normally, for each 200 replies, one grant will be given).

The Grant consists in a free Congress membership and a contribution of EUR 300.00 to help meet the travel expenses to attend the Congress.

The final selection of the winners will be done by the PSC (Paper Selection Committee) Chair taking into consideration the following parameters:

  1. Age of the presenting author of the abstract (preference will be given to the younger authors);
  2. The GDP of the Country of residence (preference will be given to the Countries with lower GDP);
  3. The world geographical area: the geographical area of the selected winners must be distributed as equally as possible;
  4. Quality of the abstract (preference will be given to the better abstracts).


Last update: March 2024