Lorenza’nın hikayesi
ERA Registry Fellowship deneyimi aracılığıyla istatistiksel uzmanlığı ve profesyonel büyümeyi ilerletme
Lorenza Magagnoli
Eski Bursiyer ERA Kayıtları, Amsterdam AMC, Hollanda
Aynı yolculuğa çıkın
Burs imkanlarını keşfedin
Diğer hikayeleri okuyun
Evgenia Preka
The ERA fellowship program in paediatric nephrology and clinical epidemiology has provided me with the specialized training and experience necessary to advance my career in this field.
Louise Benning
During my short-term fellowship, I participated in the meeting of the Danish Transplant Society. Further, I engaged in activities organized by the Young Aarhus Researchers in Nephrology (YARN) network, a passionate group dedicated to fostering collaboration among researchers in nephrology in Aarhus.
Stefania Drovandi
ERA Fellowship has allowed me to expand my knowledge and gain essential skills necessary to carry out research activities in the field of genetic diseases. I had the opportunity to work with international foremost experts and researchers and to learn from them how to properly lead scientific research.
Hikayenizi paylaşın, başkalarını ilham verin ve ERA Topluluğunu kutlayın
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