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Home | Strong Kidneys | Protect Your Kidneys, Protect Your Future

Protect Your Kidneys, Protect Your Future

A campaign of the Strong Kidneys' initiative

Protect Your Kidneys, Protect Your Future

Protect Your Kidneys, Protect Your Future

Did you know that 1 in 10 people across Europe have reduced kidney function – and many don’t even realise it?1

That’s why, on February 27, 2025, we are proud to have launched Protect Your Kidneys, Protect Your Future, a new awareness campaign under our Strong Kidneys initiative.

This campaign is designed to shine a light on the vital role kidneys play in our health, the importance of maintaining healthy kidney function, and the risks of chronic kidney disease.

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Why this campaign matters

The kidneys, small but powerful bean-shaped organs located just below the ribs, play an essential role in keeping the body healthy. They filter waste and excess fluids from the blood, regulate blood pressure, and balance fluids – helping keep many of the body’s systems running smoothly.2

Yet, many people underestimate how crucial kidney health is, leaving them unaware of the risks and damage that can develop over time. Chronic kidney disease, a condition where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to function, often develops silently with no symptoms in its early stages. If left undetected, chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure, where the kidneys can no longer perform their vital roles.3

The Protect Your Kidneys, Protect Your Future campaign is about changing this. We aim to raise awareness of kidney health and provide members of the public and the healthcare community with the knowledge and tools they need to safeguard kidney health and detect any potential issues early.

This campaign is about inspiring everyone to make kidney health a priority, because when you protect your kidneys, you’re protecting your future.

How can you get involved

Whether you’re a member of the public or a healthcare professional, you can join forces with us to make a difference. Here’s how:

Get involved as a member of the public:

  1. Stay informed by following our official Strong Kidneys social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook. Learn how to care for your kidneys and take proactive steps for better health
  2. Educate your family and friends and encourage them to join the movement by sharing our content
  3. If you or a loved one has been affected by kidney disease, share your experience to inspire and educate others. Your voice can make a powerful impact!
  4. Read our Patient Information and Conversation Guide to learn more about how you can start the kidney health conversation with your doctor

Get involved as a healthcare professional:

  1. Follow and interact with our official Strong Kidneys social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated and spread awareness
  2. Download our Social Media Ambassador Toolkit for expert tips on driving engagement and sharing impactful content on your own platforms
  3. Encourage your peers, patients, and local community to participate by sharing their personal stories and messages about kidney health
  4. Access our Chronic Kidney Disease Clinical Information and Conversation Guide to gain valuable strategies for initiating meaningful discussions about kidney health with your patients

Campaign resources


Shareable social media images

Shareable social media images

Help spread the word by downloading these ready-to-use images


Social Media Ambassador Toolkit for the healthcare community

Social Media Ambassador Toolkit for the healthcare community

Learn how to drive engagement for the campaign on social media as a healthcare professional


Patient Information and Conversation Guide

Patient Information and Conversation Guide

Let’s Talk Kidney Health

A helpful resource to start the conversation about kidney health with your doctor


Chronic Kidney Disease Clinical Information and Conversation Guide

Chronic Kidney Disease Clinical Information and Conversation Guide

Start the Kidney Conversation with your Patients

An essential resource for healthcare professionals to facilitate informed discussions with patients


The Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease infographic

The Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease infographic

Understand the impact of chronic kidney disease with this informative visual guide


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!


  1. European Renal Association. ERA Strong Kidneys Leaflet. p1, under “Did you know?”. Available at:
  2. European Renal Association. ERA Strong Kidneys Leaflet. p2, under “Your Kidneys Underestimated Multitalents”. Available at:
  3. Fraser, S.D. & Blakeman, T. (2016). Chronic kidney disease: identification and management in primary care. Available at: