A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
2nd JSN & YNP (ERA) Joint Meeting
Orsolya Cseprekál, Hungary
Motoko Yanagita, Japan
Messages to young nephrology scientists from JSN and ERA
Ivan Rychlik, Czech Republic
Naoki Kashihara, Japan
Miho Murashima, Japan
Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck, Belgium
Part 1. COVID-19 talks
Tobias Huber, Germany: Mechanisms of kidney damage in COVID-19.
Yuka Sugawara, Japan: How Japanese dialysis facilities responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Part 2. Transplant talks
Marcia Kho, The Netherlands: Coping with the threat of COVID-19 in transplant recipients: insight from the RECOVAC consortium.
Masahiko Yazawa, Japan: Current trend of kidney transplantation in Japan.
Closing remarks
Masaomi Nangaku, Japan
Christoph Wanner, Germany