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История Изабеллы

Повышение ученых амбиций с поддержкой национального гранта ERA

Изабелла Кужмюк-Глембин

Izabella Kuźmiuk-Glembin

Победитель национального гранта ERA 2022 года вместе с Польским обществом нефрологии

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Guobin Su
Guobin Su

During my ERA fellowship, I had a chance to investigate how diet adherence and healthy lifestyle have impact on outcomes in patients receiving hemodialysis using the data from DIET-HD study, a multicenter, multinational, prospective, cohort study that was primarily designed to evaluate the association between diet and adverse outcomes in adults treated with long-term


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Karol Graňák
Karol Graňák

ERA influences my daily work primarily through education. By watching regular webinars with experienced experts in the field and accessing the best nephrology journals, I gain very valuable knowledge in nephrology. I plan to apply for a clinical fellowship abroad, which ERA also offers.

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Armenuhi Hazoyan
Armenuhi Hazoyan

Training gave me the opportunity to rise to a new professional level, work with leading experts in the field, acquire important professional partnership connections, and taught me how to choose the right sources and formats for education and continuous development.

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