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NDT Editorial Fellowship Call 2025

NDT is excited to launch its third Editorial Fellowship program to broaden the spectrum of expertise of the Editorial Board and to offer a learning opportunity in the process of medical publishing.

What does the Editorial Fellowship offer and ask: 

Editorial Fellows work hand-in-hand with one of our Associate Editors (Natalie Staplin, Stefanie Steiger, Rajiv Agarwal, Michel Jadoul, Rainer Oberbauer, Rulan Parekh, Peter Rossing, Augusto Vaglio) and will be involved in all aspects of the editorial process, i.e., screening incoming submissions, triage or invite reviewers, evaluate their assessments, and then present and discuss these during the weekly Editorial Board meeting. They will support the response letters to the authors which must clearly define the editorial requests and priorities.

All NDT Editorial Fellows will be acknowledged in the list of NDT Editors in the issues of the journal. They will also receive an official certificate at the end of their term.

Required profile: 

Junior faculty/assistant professor level or senior postdocs (from all world regions) with a clinical or experimental research profile documented by (some) original first/last author publications. We also encourage candidates with an interdisciplinary background (nephrology +) or specific expertise in bioinformatics or innovative techniques to apply.

Other benefits:

  • ERA YNP Members who become an NDT Editorial Fellow will receive a free ERA Congress registration.
  • Non-ERA Members who would become an NDT Editorial Fellow will receive a free 1-year ERA membership provided that they are younger than 40 years of age (+ family care/military periods).


NDT is also recruiting new Social Media Editors

If you would be interested in joining the NDT SoMe Team, please also email to ndt@era-online.org

How to apply

The fellowship will start on June 15, 2025 and will be for 12 months.

Applications are due May 15, 2025.

Please send the following material in a single PDF file to ndt@era-online.org:

  1. Motivation statement and the name of one of the Associate Editors with whom you would like to work and a rationale for this choice (max. 1 page).
  2. Short curriculum vitae including a brief description of your specific expertise in the domain of kidney medicine/science (max. 2 pages).
  3. List of peer-reviewed publications (no abstracts/posters).
  4. Your ERA membership ID if already an ERA Member (this can be found in the MYERA section).

Open Call: Host Centres for ERA Interventional Nephrology Fellowships

ERA is inviting applications from centres interested in hosting fellows for the Interventional Nephrology Fellowship Programme. This initiative aims to enhance expertise in the placement of permanent catheter for haemodialysis and maintenance of vascular access, peritoneal dialysis catheter placement, and ultrasound-guided interventions.

For more details visit: ERA Interventional Nephrology Fellowships

Further details

Hosting centres should provide high-quality training, mentorship, and a collaborative learning environment. If your centre is equipped to support the next generation of interventional nephrologists, submit an application by April 28, 2025, using this form.

About fellowships

The ERA offers the opportunity to apply for various fellowship programmes to support the development of young clinical investigators and researchers.

All ERA fellowship programmes are reserved for only members who are 40 or younger at the time of application submission. An extension of the age limit may be considered if the applicant’s career has been interrupted due to childcare or severe illness; in any case, this extension cannot exceed 2 years.

In addition to the fellowship programmes intended for young clinicians and researchers (up to 40 years), the ERA will launch for the first time in 2025 a fellowship for ERA members with some professional experience (up to 55 years).

Short-term clinical fellowships

The ERA short-term clinical fellowships are designed to enable young people to support clinical training in nephrology and to facilitate international cooperation between renal centres.

The applicant should identify a Host Institution in the ERA geographical area where the fellowship will be carried out. The duration of the short-term clinical fellowships is from a minimum of 2 months (60 days) to a maximum of 6 months (180 days).

Upon completion of the short-term fellowship, the applicants must return to their Home Institution or an “equivalent institution” to apply what they learned during the fellowship.

Long-term research fellowships

The purpose of the ERA long-term research fellowships is to support basic and clinical research in nephrology in the ERA geographical area.

The ERA long-term fellowships are awarded to competitive research proposals by the ERA Working Groups to fund worthy ERA projects and promote the growth of young researchers.

The young researchers submitting their candidature for an ERA long-term fellowship are asked to select the project they wish to join from a list of projects and to apply for it.

The duration of the long-term fellowships is 12 months (365 days).

Interventional Nephrology fellowships

The Interventional Nephrology fellowships programme is designed to support nephrologists in gaining specialised training and hands-on experience in interventional nephrology. These fellowships aim to enhance the clinical skills, knowledge, and expertise of nephrologists in performing a wide range of interventional procedures.

The duration of the interventional nephrology fellowships is from a minimum of 1 month (30 days) to a maximum of 3 months (90 days).

Knowledge Exchange Programme

The Knowledge Exchange Programme aims to promote the exchange of expertise and innovative clinical practices between leading nephrology professionals and institutions within the ERA geographical area. By facilitating the exchange of knowledge and skills, the programme aims to improve the quality of nephrology care and education on a global scale.

The duration of the Knowledge Exchange Programme is 1 month (30 days). The age limit for this programme is 55 years.

ERA Registry fellowships

The ERA Registry fellowship is a 12-week fellowship programme to be carried out at the Registry office at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre (AMC) based on a research project agreed between the fellow and the Registry supervisor.



Why is the ERA Fellowship important for young nephrologists?

ERA-ERAC MSc in Clinical Trials Fellowship

The ERA-ERAC supports the training of nephrologists (ERA Members only) and future clinical trials leaders by offering 3 fellowships. The MSc in Clinical Trials is a two-year, distance learning course with two residential sessions in Oxford that provides a thorough training in both the theoretical and practical aspects of conducting randomised clinical trials (more info about the course here). The candidate must provide excellent references, a clear/relevant personal statement and work experience in the field of nephrology.

Open call

This specific call is now closed.

The course will provide in-depth training in, and understanding of, the principles and practice of conducting large-scale randomised clinical trials.


Research programme