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Home | Publications | Regulations | ERA Honorary Members

ERA Honorary Members


 I.  General Rules

Honorary membership may be granted to any individual who, in the opinion of the Council, has made an outstanding contribution to the Objects of the Society.

Proposals for honorary membership should be addressed to the ERA President, via the Membership Office, who will decide whether they are worthy of further consideration.

If the ERA President decides that the proposal is of merit, it will be evaluated according to the following procedure:

  1. Only ERA members can propose honorary membership candidates; this can be given to an individual who has made truly outstanding contribution to the Association and/or to the field of nephrology
  2. It is the Council that confirms the title of honorary membership
  3. For evaluating the honorary membership proposals Council must receive a one-page description of the reasons deemed important for granting this important recognition to a specific candidate. The documentation must be sent to all Council members, via the Secretary General, in due time prior to the meeting in which the discussion of the honorary membership is scheduled to take place
  4. The nominated honorary member will receive a special diploma and a plaque that will be given to the honorary member by the ERA President during the Welcome Ceremony. The newly nominated honorary member at this occasion will also receive: free congress membership, accommodation for three nights and travel reimbursement (for one person) to participate in the Congress in which his/her nomination is officially.

There should be no more than two honorary membership nominations during each President’s term.


II. Benefits

Honorary members:

  1. may attend and speak at any General Assembly
  2. if they were formerly full members, may vote at any General Assembly
  3. cannot be elected to the Council
  4. may be elected to any committee or working group of the Association
  5. are not required to pay an annual membership fee and
  6. are entitled to:
    • receive information about the activities of the Association
    • congress membership without paying any congress membership fee, and
    • receive a complimentary subscription to the Journal.


Last update: January 2024