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ERA Registry fellowships


I. Purpose

These Fellowships are designed to enable young people living in countries part of the ERA geographical area (Europe, countries bordering Europe and the Mediterranean Sea) who are interested to train in clinical epidemiology at the ERA Registry in Amsterdam as well as to support Registry activities/initiatives linked to the Association (e.g. ERA Registry, ESPN/ERA Registry and EQUAL study).

Any exception to any of the rules of this programme must be evaluated by the ERA Registry Managing Director.


II. Deadline(s)

The deadline(s) are decided by the ERA Council; once this is done, they will appear in the appropriate section of the ERA website.


III. How to apply

Applications have to be submitted by means of a specific application form available on the webpage dedicated to the ERA Registry Fellowships programme.


IV. Institutions/where to do the ERA registry fellowship

Eligible fellows will train at the Amsterdam University Medical Center, location AMC, Amsterdam – The Netherlands.


V. Eligibility

Only ERA Full members who are 50 or younger at the time of submission can apply. An extension of the age limit can be considered if the applicant’s career has been interrupted due to childcare or severe illness; in any case, this extension cannot exceed 2 years. 


VI. Duration

The ERA Registry Fellowships are short Fellowships and have a length of 12 weeks (84 days). 


VII. Selection of the applications

The applications will be scored and selected by the ERA Registry Selection Committee.

The Registry will then send the outcome of the selection to the ERA HQ that will inform the ERA Council. After the Council’s approval/final decision, the ERA HQ will inform all applicants about the results.


VIII. Factors normally considered in the selection of applicants

  1. Quality of the project
  2. Feasibility of the project by the applicant and within the planned time frame
  3. Prior expertise of the applicant/ published papers
  4. How the project fits into the applicant’s career
  5. Continuation of the Study related to the project once the fellow returns to his/her home institute


IX. Start of fellowship

The fellowship should start without any further significant delay after the reception of approval. The fellowship time period has to be agreed with the ERA Registry.


X. Payment

The amounts given to the fellows for this type of initiative are based on the annual budget established by the ERA Registry and approved by the ERA Council. The ERA Registry will be in charge of following the fellowship and will confirm if all is on track and thus if the instalments of the payments can be made to the fellow by the ERA HQ. Normally 75% of the entire amount due will be paid 10 days before the start of the fellowship, while the remaining 25% will be paid after the end of the fellowship, provided that the End of Fellowship report is approved by the ERA Registry.

In the event of early termination of the Fellowship, any extra amount already paid will have to be repaid back to the ERA.


XI. End of fellowship report

At the end of the fellowship, the fellows are asked to provide the ERA Registry with a report of the activity done at the receiving institution. The report must be signed by the Supervisor.

So that the End of Fellowship Report can be approved, and thus the last amount of the fellowship paid, any eventual reprint of publications (preferably in ERA’s journals) done during the fellowship could be asked to be submitted with the report itself.

The End Report Form may include diagrams, charts or illustrations to enhance the results

The report and the eventual publications must be sent, within one month after the end of the fellowship, to the ERA Registry for evaluation/approval/rejection.


Last update: January 2024