A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
La storia di Philipp
Un percorso di sviluppo delle competenze e scambio di conoscenze durante un fellowship sull'accesso vascolare.
Philipp Gauckler
Ex borsista presso il Centro Hospitalar Universitário São João, Porto
Imbarcati nel medesimo viaggio
Esplora le opportunità di Fellowship
Leggi altre storie

Andreas Kronbichler
As a rather senior young investigator, the acknowledgement of the Eberhard Ritz Award reinforced me to continue my ongoing collaborations and further expanding them. It also helps to involve more investigators across the globe.

Jasper Callemeyn
As a recipient of the 2024 ERA Stanley Shaldon Award, I had the opportunity to present my research on an international stage. This unique opportunity fostered the dialogue with leaders in the field and led to new collaborations.

Tiago Pinto Coelho
The ERA National Grant is an excellent opportunity for young professionals. National Societies should definitely promote it to support early-career researchers.

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