A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
La storia di Erasmia
La borsa di studio ERA come opportunità per collaborare con le principali istituzioni cliniche e di ricerca in tutta Europa
Erasmia Sampani
Ex borsista presso la Fundació Puigvert, Barcellona, Spagna
Intraprendi lo stesso viaggio
Esplora le opportunità di Fellowship
Leggi altre storie

Stefanie Steiger
The recognition from the ERA created a lot of visibility and allowed me to join the ERA Immunonephrology Working Group (IWG) where we actively foster education, communication, research interests and promote scientific networking.

Diana Voskanyan
I met brilliant minds in Nephrology, doctors, nurses, psychologists who are still very eager to share their experience and to help improve our practice for children. What I have earned by participating at this program will continue to benefit my career for a long period of time.

Edouard Fu
Receiving the ERA Award has accelerated my career and expanded my professional network. It has led to new collaborations, increased my visibility within European nephrology, and helped me with securing grant funding.

Condividi la tua storia, ispira gli altri e festeggia la Comunità di ERA
Fai sentire la tua voce, ispira gli altri e celebra la comunità ERA prendendo parte a questo entusiasmante progetto. Non vediamo l'ora di ricevere le tue storie e mettere in mostra le persone straordinarie che compongono la nostra associazione.