A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
La storia di Anna
Borsa di studio a lungo termine ERA sulla competenza immunitaria nelle malattie autoimmuni
Anna Matyjek
Ex borsista presso l’Università Medica di Innsbruck, Austria
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Esplora le opportunità di Fellowship
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Mabel Aoun
The NDT Editorial fellowship opened the door for me to several amazing opportunities like having access to and reading all submitted NDT papers of the year.

Domingos Machado
I stopped acting as a doctor in this process and officially put myself forward as a kidney donor. In other words, I volunteered to give one of my kidneys to anyone in need, no matter who.

Jasmine Sethi
As the Social Media Editor for our esteemed NDT journal, I undertake a multifaceted role that merges the realms of communication, outreach and scholarly dissemination.

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Fai sentire la tua voce, ispira gli altri e celebra la Comunità ERA partecipando a questo entusiasmante progetto. Non vediamo l'ora di ricevere le tue storie e presentare gli straordinari individui che formano la nostra associazione.