Slowing progression and preventing complications of chronic kidney disease
President’s duties
Duties and benefits of the ERA Ex-Officio Officers
The first four ex-officio officers listed above coordinate together and with each other’s support, the various ERA activities on behalf of the Council thus following Council’s decisions and regularly reporting to the Council.
The President oversees the activities of ERA (i.e. Society, Council, Staff). Collaborates closely with the Secretary-General (mainly) and the Treasurer/Renal Science Chair. Weekly calls with the other ex-officio officers. Receives support from the ERA HQ.
The Secretary-General is expected to oversee the general administrative activities of the Society supporting the President/Council. In particular, he/she oversees the ERA HQ activities. Is in charge of incoming funds. He/she should oversee the organization of all meetings, in particular: 3xCouncil meetings per year (in person), bi-monthly virtual Council meetings, 2x retreats (=Summer and pre-Christmas), bi-weekly calls (ERA HQ senior staff/ex-officio officers), emails on a daily basis. The workload is 2-3 hours a day. Receives support from the ERA HQ.
The Treasurer is in charge of budgets, expenditures. Weekly calls with the other ex-officio officers. Receives support from the ERA HQ.
The Renal Science Chair is in charge of scientific and educational activities (i.e. Working Groups, E-Seminars, etc.). Weekly calls with the other ex-officio officers. Receives support from the ERA HQ.
The Chair of the Registry is supported by the Registry staff (AMC) and oversees all the Registry activities/output. For the administrative matters the ERA Registry collaborates with the ERA HQ.
*Subject to the approval by the ERA General Assembly of the Constitution that will be submitted to the 2023 Ordinary General Assembly (June 17, 2023).
- He/she is the main representative of the Society and can act on behalf of the Council with regard to urgent matters.
- He/she will preside over any Council meeting or General Assembly or Congress that he/she attends and have a second or casting vote at such meetings (where votes are held).
- He/she must ensure that all the activities of the Association are conducted in accordance with its objects following the Constitution/Rules.
- The President is the ERA representative in other Societies and/or initiatives of third parties endorsed/supported by ERA.
- The President is the Officer who represents the Society vis-à-vis with other national and/or international Societies (i.e. special bilateral agreements, etc.).
- Any new initiative decided by Council is under the responsibility of the President until a specific committee for this new initiative is created by the Council.
- The President is responsible for granting ERA endorsements (in collaboration with the Council when needed as specified in the internal regulations).
- The President is responsible for granting ERA non-financial support in collaboration with the Secretary-General and the Renal Science Chair.
- The President can always delegate a representative of his/her choice to represent him/her for specific task(s) and/or event(s) (i.e. relations with National Presidents; EKHA; etc.).
- The President is responsible, in collaboration with the Secretary-General (who, in any case, will be the person who will actually prepare/finalize/send/receive the items listed below), of the following matters: the Agendas of the Council Meetings, the General Assembly and any other meeting that the Council deems necessary; of the invitations to the meetings of non-Council members and for the final approval and signing of the Minutes of the Meetings; for informing the ERA speakers/chairs and representatives in events organized by third parties, as well as for receiving their report after the event; for signing all ERA diplomas and certificates issued while he/she is in office (except for his/her own personal diploma, which must be signed by the President-Elect). Finally, still in collaboration with the Secretary-General, he/she is responsible for informing all the people directly involved of the outcome of the Council’s decisions (candidates for Council; SAB positions; selected future Congress venues, etc.), again operatively speaking it will be the Secretary-General who will send these notifications.
- During his/her term, he/she is included, ex-officio, in the following Committees/Boards/Initiatives:
- ERA Registry
- Co-President ERA Congresses
- EKHA Representative
- BMA Representative
- Congress Scientific Committee
- SEID Scientific Committee
- One of the directors of ERA-Eurocongress Ltd, ERA’s Subsidiary Company
- The ERA HQ gives secretarial support to this role.
Last update: December 2022
Note: EKHA (European Kidney Health Alliance), BMA (BioMedical Alliance), DOPPS (Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study), ESPN (European Society for Paediatric Nephrology), KHI (Kidney Health Initiative), YNP (Young Nephrologists’ Platform), CME (Continuing Medical Education), SEID (Scientific and Education Interaction Day)
Renal Science Chair
Chair of the Registry (Registry Staff – AMC)