A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
L’histoire de Turgay
L'impact des Prix ERA pour les Jeunes Chercheurs sur la visibilité et la crédibilité en tant que clinicien scientifique
Turgay Saritas
Lauréat du Prix ERA Rosanna Gusmano 2022 pour les jeunes chercheurs en sciences fondamentales
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Aurora Perez Gomez
The ERA National Grant is a recognition of my work by the most important European society in the field of Nephrology. As I aim to pursue my scientific career in Nephrology, this grant holds significant value and deserves a place on my CV.

Anna Rinaldi
ERA National grant initiative stimulates young members to become an active member of the nephrology society and contributes to the development of their career.

Armenuhi Hazoyan
Training gave me the opportunity to rise to a new professional level, work with leading experts in the field, acquire important professional partnership connections, and taught me how to choose the right sources and formats for education and continuous development.

Partagez votre histoire, inspirez les autres et célébrez la communauté ERA
Faites entendre votre voix, inspirez les autres et célébrez la communauté ERA en participant à ce projet passionnant. Nous avons hâte de recevoir vos histoires et de mettre en avant les individus remarquables qui composent notre association.