A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
L’histoire de Karol
Déverrouiller l'éducation avec la bourse de la Société Nationale ERA
Karol Graňák
République Slovaque
Lauréat de la Bourse Nationale ERA 2021 avec la Société Slovaque de Néphrologie
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Stefania Drovandi
ERA Fellowship has allowed me to expand my knowledge and gain essential skills necessary to carry out research activities in the field of genetic diseases. I had the opportunity to work with international foremost experts and researchers and to learn from them how to properly lead scientific research.

Sol Carriazo
ERA has had a significant impact on both my career and education. The resources, opportunities, and networking platforms provided by ERA have been instrumental in my professional growth.

Armenuhi Hazoyan
Training gave me the opportunity to rise to a new professional level, work with leading experts in the field, acquire important professional partnership connections, and taught me how to choose the right sources and formats for education and continuous development.

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