A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
L’histoire de Hajir
Acquisition des compétences fondamentales nécessaires à la recherche dans le domaine de la néphrologie grâce à la bourse ERA
Hajir Salih Ahmed
Ancien boursier à l’Hôpital Universitaire de Vérone
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Diana Voskanyan
I met brilliant minds in Nephrology, doctors, nurses, psychologists who are still very eager to share their experience and to help improve our practice for children. What I have earned by participating at this program will continue to benefit my career for a long period of time.

Erasmia Sampani
The ERA fellowship program has had a significant impact in my career and education. Since my arrival back to my home institution, I feel more confident, but also inspired and motivated to apply the knowledge and skills I gained to my clinical everyday practice.

Stefanie Steiger
The recognition from the ERA created a lot of visibility and allowed me to join the ERA Immunonephrology Working Group (IWG) where we actively foster education, communication, research interests and promote scientific networking.

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