A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
L’histoire d’Edouard
Les Prix ERA pour Jeunes Chercheurs accélérant la carrière
Édouard Fu
Les Pays-Bas
Lauréat du Prix ERA Stanley Shaldon 2023 pour les Jeunes Enquêteurs en Science Translationnelle (ex-aequo)
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Diana Voskanyan
I met brilliant minds in Nephrology, doctors, nurses, psychologists who are still very eager to share their experience and to help improve our practice for children. What I have earned by participating at this program will continue to benefit my career for a long period of time.

Thimoteus Speer
The Stanley Shaldon Award was very important for my career. In the meantime, I have received three calls to the position of Full Professor and Clinic Director for Nephrology.

Aurora Perez Gomez
The ERA National Grant is a recognition of my work by the most important European society in the field of Nephrology. As I aim to pursue my scientific career in Nephrology, this grant holds significant value and deserves a place on my CV.

Partagez votre histoire, inspirez les autres et célébrez la communauté ERA
Faites entendre votre voix, inspirez les autres et célébrez la Communauté ERA en participant à ce projet excitant. Nous avons hâte de recevoir vos histoires et de mettre en valeur les individus remarquables qui composent notre association.