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L’histoire d’Adamantia

Développer les connaissances autour de différents axes de recherche en néphrologie grâce à la Bourse Nationale ERA

Adamantia Bratsiakou

Adamantia Bratsiakou

Lauréate de la Bourse Nationale ERA 2022 avec la Société Nationale Hellénique de Néphrologie

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Lisez d'autres histoires

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Sol Carriazo
Sol Carriazo

ERA has had a significant impact on both my career and education. The resources, opportunities, and networking platforms provided by ERA have been instrumental in my professional growth.

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Izabella Kuźmiuk-Glembin
Izabella Kuźmiuk-Glembin

Through numerous webinars, workshops and conferences, I expand and update my knowledge on a daily basis, which is incredibly useful in my work.

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Olimkhon Sharapov
Olimkhon Sharapov

Considering that ERA is a very authoritative and representative nephrology association not only in Europe but throughout the world, the ERA National Societies Grant is certainly a significant achievement for my career and it already takes pride of place in my CV.

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Partagez votre histoire, inspirez les autres et célébrez la communauté ERA

Faites entendre votre voix, inspirez les autres et célébrez la communauté ERA en faisant partie de ce projet passionnant. Nous sommes impatients de recevoir vos histoires et de mettre en valeur les individus remarquables qui composent notre association.