A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension

Home | Events | Vienna 2025 | Sustainability


ERA25 Congress promotes sustainable development and global responsibility to ultimately emphasise the importance of a healthy environment for healthy kidneys.


Let’s make ERA25 a bit greener!

The ERA Congress promotes sustainable development and global responsibility in different ways: the aim is to encourage environmentally friendly behaviours and to raise awareness on the importance of a healthy environment for healthy kidneys.

  1. Choose sustainable transportation: If this is possible, use environmentally compatible, public means of transportation to travel to the event location, or share a car. More details here. 
  2. Offset your CO2 emissions: If you cannot or do not want to do without your car, or if you travel by plane, you can offset your CO2 emissions by means of compensation payments. 
  3. Bring your reusable items: Bringing a refillable coffee cup AND water bottle also helps! You will be able to fill/re-fill both (coffee & water) on site. 
  4. Recycle your lanyard: If you still have your ERA lanyard from last year, bring it along! Reusing it in Vienna is a small step but it helps cut down on materials (production, shipping, etc.). Also, don’t forget to bring your notepads and favourite pens from home!
  5. Waste reduction: Dispose of your waste (PET, glass, paper, metal, batteries, etc.) via the separate collection systems provided at the hotel and at the event venue. 
  6. Eco-friendly city travel: Use public transportation or walk. 

Social responsibility

  • The ERA Congress supports multidisciplinary encounters and diversity perspectives (e.g. prayer room, nursery).
  • Several price categories are offered to make the Congress accessible even for participants from low-income countries and to enhance the participation of students and young nephrologists.
  • The ERA Congress strongly promotes gender balance.
  • ERA take measures to ensure health safety (hygiene, thorough cleaning of facilities, medical support team) and people security (security staff).

Our ecological initiatives for ERA25

Our goal

We continuously evaluate all measures taken and constantly improve further in terms of emission reduction and other sustainability figures. 

Green Meetings Certificate

We aim at organising the congress according to the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Events. Therefore we would like to encourage you to promote and participate in the Green Event measures.

Green Meeting Certificate ERA25


Kilian Osberghaus

Julian Hirschmann
