Home | Events | Vienna 2025 | Abstracts


Check the important dates and tips to go beyond in your research


Important dates

  • Opening of Abstract submission & Travel Grant application
    November 18, 2024 (00:00 CET)
  • Closing of Abstract submission & Travel Grant application
    January 29, 2025 (23:59 CET)
  • Opening of Late Breaking Clinical Trials submission
    February 24, 2025 (00:00 CET)
  • Closing of Late Breaking Clinical Trials submission
    March 26, 2025 (23:59 CET)

Contacts & Resources

For further inquiries, please contact:

Ordinary Travel Grants & ASQ Travel Grants Regulations

Preparing an Abstract

Tips for getting your abstract accepted

Good luck!

Ronald Gansevoort

Ronald Gansevoort

Chair of the Paper Selection Committee

The submitted abstracts are reviewed by an abstract selection committee, with each member tasked to assess approximately 25 to 40 abstracts. It is therefore important that you try to convey the background and aims, methods, results, and conclusions of your study as clearly and concisely as possible.

Please use headers:

  1. Background and aims
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Conclusions

Present only the important results for the reviewer to interpret. Base your conclusions only on the data presented within the abstract. Give actual p values rather stating p<0.05. Try to ensure the English correctly conveys the intended meaning – if English is not your first language it may be useful to ask someone to review your abstract before submitting.

Having varied perspectives can sometimes help convey a clear message. It will certainly make it easier for the abstract selection committee to give your work the recognition it deserves.

We recommend you start with BACKROUND AND AIMS in which you explain the background of the problem or area you are going to present information about. Here you should also describe the rationale for what you are presenting. Why is it interesting or important? In addition – it might be a trial of one therapy against another for example, or an observational study of the natural history of something. The second section should be METHODS in which you explain clearly and concisely how you approached the study, what you did, and how you analysed the information. Please indicate whether it was an observational study or a trial, whether the observational study was retrospective, cross-sectional or prospective, whether the trial was randomized, blinded etc? The next section should be RESULTS in which you present the main findings, as text, tables or figures. Clarity here is vital to success of a good abstract.

Finally, the CONCLUSIONS in which you state the main findings of this piece of work and how this has advanced knowledge and understanding.

FAQ - General information

Frequently asked questions about Abstracts General Information. Please note that the information below is constantly being updated.

What is an Abstract?

An Abstract is a concise summary of a presentation, paper or research study that provides a snapshot of the content, allowing readers to understand the focus and significance of the work without having to read the entire presentation.

Abstracts submitted to ERA 2025 should relate to any aspect of nephrology, the prevention and treatment of kidney disease and related conditions, or the scientific background to the study of the kidney.

The aim of an Abstract is to capture the essence of the presentation in a concise and engaging manner. It should be clear, concise and informative, enticing ERA 2025 attendees to learn more about your work during the Congress.

How do I submit an Abstract?

All Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the Congress website using the weblink below from November 18, 2024 to January 29, 2025.

You will need to access your My ERA account using your login details (for ERA members and returning users). If you are a first-time user, you will need to create your own account.

Only submission via the Congress website is possible. Abstracts submitted by post or e-mail will not be accepted.

Is there a template to download, or can I use mine?

It is mandatory to use the template provided under the Upload tab on the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION page.

To ensure that the format is correct, copy and paste your content without formatting (even if our system recognises many fonts) into the file and save it under a new name.

What is the Abstract’s required structure?

Your Abstract should consist of four paragraphs labelled “Background and Aims”, “Methods”, “Results” and “Conclusions” and cannot exceed 3600 characters (space not included). The template headings are part of the counting and cannot be deleted.

Images, tables, and graphs may be included, but please note that tables and graphs do not count as characters when inserted as an image.

Title: Must be concise, and eye-catching

Background and Aims: in which you explain the background of the problem or area you are going to present information about. Why is it interesting, or important? Here you should also describe the rationale for what you are presenting – it might be a trial of one therapy against another for example, or a study of the natural history of something.

Methods: in which you explain clearly and concisely how you approached the study, what you did, and how you analyzed the information.

Results: in which you present the main findings, as text, tables or figures. Clarity here is vital for the success of a good Abstract. Please do not tease us by saying “results will be presented”!

Conclusion: in which you state the main findings of this piece of work and how this has advanced knowledge and understanding.

Will case report Abstracts be considered?

Yes, ERA will accept case report Abstracts.

Who reviews my Abstract?

Submitted Abstracts will be reviewed by expert selected reviewers coordinated by the Paper Selection Committee.

ERA’s advice for getting your Abstract accepted

Present only the important results for the reviewer to interpret.

Base your conclusions only on the data presented in the Abstract. Give actual p-values rather than stating p<0.05.

Please ensure that the Abstract follows the structure described above.

In which language should the Abstract be submitted?

Your Abstract must be in ENGLISH, please check for typos and spelling errors as your Abstract will not be proofread by the Society.

Try to ensure that the English conveys the intended meaning correctly – if English is not your first language, it may be useful to ask someone to proofread your Abstract before submission.

Do I need to disclose any conflict of interest while submitting my Abstract?

Yes, all Abstract submitters are required to complete a simplified Disclosure of Interest (DOI) form during the submission process. If, after review, the Abstract is accepted for inclusion in the Congress, they will be asked to complete the full DOI form when submitting their presentation.

How much does sending an Abstract to ERA cost?

There is a non-refundable processing fee of EUR 30,00 for each Abstract submitted.

The processing fee must be paid at the time of submission by credit card only. Major credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) are accepted for secure online payment. All payments must be received by 23:59 CET on Tuesday January 29, 2025 for the submission to be considered successful. This fee is non-refundable even if the Abstract is rejected.

Abstract processing fees are waived for submitters from countries with an official annual income (GDP – Gross Domestic Product per capita) of less than USD 10,000 (source: World Bank).

List of eligible countries

Where will my Abstract be published?

There will be no printed Abstract book.

Abstracts will appear exactly as submitted. Abstracts deemed unsuitable for reproduction will not be published.

All accepted Abstracts are published on the ERA platform and the Congress App (before the start of the Congress)

Only the Abstracts of the authors that are present at the Congress will be published in a special NDT Supplement published after the congress (in the fall).

The Abstracts are only typeset but not proofread.

What about the copyright of my Abstract once published?

All authors of Abstracts grant ERA the right to make the Abstract available to the public and to all other users via the ERA website and any other websites operated by ERA, as well as via social media or other websites related to medical issues, for an indefinite period of time, without territorial limitation and without any right to compensation.

For further information, please refer to the ERA Terms and Conditions.

Accepted Abstracts will also be published in an online NDT Supplement with the following copyright line: ©The Author(s) 2025. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com

Can I submit Late Breaking Clinical Trials?

Results of Late Breaking Clinical trials of exceptional importance that have not been presented elsewhere may be submitted via the Congress website from February 24, 2025 to March 26, 2025.

If data analysis could not be performed before the regular Abstract deadline, studies submitted through this Late Breaking Trial track that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for presentation.

What are the prerequisites for the Late Breaking Clinical Trials submission?

  • A prospective randomised intervention in renal patients (medications, education, dietetics, physiotherapy, etc…), including at least 100 patients;
  • A prospective observational study, including at least 500 patients;
  • A prospective, randomised intervention in the pathology of rare renal diseases, with no limit on the number of patients enrolled.
  • Not previously reported or published.

What are the benefits of sending Late Breaking Clinical Trials to ERA?

The best Abstracts will be selected for presentation at the LBCT Symposium and the remaining Abstracts that comply with the rules will be accepted as Focussed Oral.

The remaining Abstracts, including those that do not comply with the LBCT rules, will be automatically rejected.

Authors of LBCT Abstracts accepted for the Symposium will be invited as a Congress speaker with the same benefits.

What about the Abstract presenter registration?

All authors presenting an Abstract must register for the Congress.

Whether the Abstract is accepted or rejected, all Abstract submitters will benefit from the reduced fee.

For further information please contact:


All accepted Abstracts must be uploaded to the official Congress platform in advance. Authors presenting Abstracts must be pre-registered for the Congress in order to upload their work before May 28, 2025.

FAQ - Abstract submission

Frequently asked questions about Abstracts submission. Please note that the information below is constantly being updated.

Who can I contact if I have problems with the submission procedure?

Please contact us at abstracts@era-online.org

I missed the deadline to submit an Abstract. Can I still submit an Abstract?

No Abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.

No exceptions will be made.

Can I submit multiple Abstracts?

Yes, there is no limit to the number of Abstracts you can submit.

Can I submit already published Abstracts?

No, submitted Abstracts must describe unpublished work that is not already in press or awaiting possible acceptance by another society that publishes their Abstracts/proceedings.

Encore Abstracts, papers already presented at another meeting will not be considered.

Papers already accepted for publication will not be considered.

Do I receive a confirmation upon my Abstract submission?

Yes, all authors of correctly written and successfully submitted Abstracts will receive a confirmation by e-mail.

Can I add tables and figures?

Yes, you can include one figure and one table, two figures or two tables. Tables should be in an editable format and figures should meet the following requirements JPEG or PNG format, 1200 dpi for line drawings and 300 dpi for colour and halftone illustrations. We encourage you to provide colour figures (there is no charge for this). Please pay particular attention to the quality of your figures! All tables and figures MUST be accompanied by a legend.

Please note that tables do not count as characters when inserted as an image.

What about references?

References are optional, but if you choose to include them, please do not include more than 5 and follow these requirements:

  • References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • At the end of the Abstract, the full list of references should include the names and initials of all authors, unless there are more than six, in which case only the first three should be given, followed by et al. The authors’ names should be followed by the title of the article, the title of the journal abbreviated in the style of Index Medicus, the year of publication, the volume number, and the first and last page numbers.
  • References to books should include the title of the book, followed by the place of publication, the publisher, the year and the relevant pages.

Do the references count in the character count?

Yes, references count towards the maximum 3600 characters allowed.

Do tables count in the max. number of characters?

Tables created with the Microsoft Words table function are counted as characters. The text within the table is counted in the same way as in the text area.

Note that tables are not counted as characters when inserted as an image.

How long can my Abstract be?

Abstracts submitted to ERA 2025 must not exceed 3600 characters (excluding spaces) and you will not be able to finalise your submission if you exceed this limit.

My Abstract has many co-authors, can I list them all?

No, Abstracts submitted to ERA cannot have more than 10 authors.

Should all authors approve the final Abstract?

The presenting author must confirm in good faith that all co-authors have agreed to the submission and content of the Abstract. ERA cannot be held responsible for any breach of this rule.

Each co-author will receive a confirmation e-mail once the abstract has been submitted.

Does the first author and/or presenting author need to be the same person?

No, the presenting author doesn’t have to be the first author.

The presenting author can be any of the authors of the Abstract.

Is there a maximum number of affiliations allowed per author?

Currently there is no limit in the number of affiliations allowed per author.

However, we suggest including only one affiliation i.e.: the affiliation at the time of the submission or the main affiliation.

Do figures count towards the overall 3600-character limit?

No, figures don’t count towards the overall 3600-character limit.

32- Is there a character limit for the legends? If not, do they count towards the overall 3600-limit?

If the legend is created within the table function in Microsoft Word, the text within the table is counted, if the legend is a single image or is embedded within another image, it doesn’t count.

33- Is there a character limit for the Abstract title? If not, does it count towards the overall 3600-character limit?

Yes, the Abstract title must be written within 150 characters, and it does not count towards the overall 3600-character limit.

FAQ - Abstract results announcement

Frequently asked questions about Abstracts results announcement. Please note that the information below is constantly being updated.

I have submitted my Abstract, what happens next?

Your Abstract will be reviewed by expert selected reviewers coordinated by the Paper Selection Committee.

Starting from April 2025, the evaluation results (Acceptance/Rejection) will be available directly on the MyERA webpage.

Each presenting author can see the result of the evaluation within his/her MyERA area.

How do I know in which format my accepted Abstract must be presented at the Congress?

According to the Abstract submission procedure, each submitter can choose between: Oral Presentation, Not oral Presentation and either (Oral/Not-Oral).

A specific e-mail to the presenting author will be sent to the presenting author indicating the accepted format.

Can I choose the final format of my Abstract presentation?

No, the final selection will be made by the ERA 2025 Congress Paper Selection Committee, the schedule and format cannot be changed.

Allocation will be based on submitter’s choice and score.

My Abstract has been accepted as Free Communication. How will it be presented at the Congress?

The highest scoring Abstracts will be presented as free communications, combined in sessions with mini-lectures by world-renowned scientists.

Presentation and Q&A times will be communicated by email.

All Abstracts accepted as free communication will be published in the final programme under the respective free communication session. Only the name of the presenting author and country will be published in the Congress Final Programme.

The presenter MUST be present in person, not virtually.

If the presenting author is unable to present the Abstract, another co-author may take his/her place. However, if this is the case, an email from the presenting author is mandatory and must be sent to program@era-online.org as soon as possible.

My Abstract has been accepted as Focussed Oral. How will it be presented at the Congress?

Focussed Oral must be presented live and in person and will not be recorded or live-streamed.

Presenting authors will present their Abstracts directly on the screen in a dedicated session in Vienna and will have the opportunity to answer questions from the audience.

Presentation and Q&A times will be communicated by email.

If the presenting author is unable to present the Abstract, another co-author may take his/her place. However, if this is the case, an email from the presenting author explaining the change is mandatory and must be sent to program@era-online.org as soon as possible.

Focused Oral presentations will not appear in the final programme.

My Abstract has been accepted as Moderated Oral. How will it be presented at the Congress?

The highest-scoring Abstracts that are not suitable for free communication must be presented separately.

The presenter should be present in person, not virtually.

Presentation and Q&A times will be communicated by email.

If the presenting author is unable to present the Abstract, another co-author may take his or her place. However, if this is the case, an email from the presenting author explaining the change is mandatory and must be sent to program@era-online.org as soon as possible.

Moderated Oral presentations will not appear in the final programme.

My Abstract has been accepted as e-Poster. How will it be presented at the Congress?

There will be a dedicated slot and area at the Congress venue to present and discuss your abstract accepted as e-poster.

The e-posters will be divided in four categories according to the contents. The best scored will be part of a moderated sessions, all the other can be freely discussed on site.

Accepted e-Poster Abstracts will be also available on the virtual Congress platform and the App, at all times during the Congress.

e-Posters will not appear in the final programme.

Do I need to print the e-Poster if I plan to come onsite?

No, accepted e-Poster Abstracts will be ONLY in electronic format, there is no need to print your e-Poster.

Will I get a special certificate?

Yes, a special certificate will be issued to the presenting author only, indicating the percentile achieved by the Abstract(s).

Is there a special template to be used for presentations?

Yes, all ERA accepted Abstracts must use the official ERA template.

As soon as it is ready, it will be available for download from our website.

If you have any problems accessing it, please e-mail us at abstracts@era-online.org.

Can I present virtually if the Abstract is accepted?

No, all accepted Abstracts (Free Communication, Focussed Orals and e-poster accepted Abstracts) must be presented onsite in Vienna.

If you cannot physically attend the Conference, you can still submit an Abstract.

FAQ - Withdrawal/changes

Frequently asked questions about Abstracts withdrawal/changes. Please note that the information below is constantly being updated.

Can I withdraw my Abstract?

Yes, if you would like to withdraw your Abstract, please send an e-mail to abstracts@era-online.org by mid-April 2025.

Please note that once an Abstract has been published in the online NDT supplement, it cannot be withdrawn.

Can I make changes to the Abstract after submission?

No changes are allowed.

Once the Abstract has been submitted and the upload deadline has passed, the ERA 2025 Congress Paper Selection Committee has immediate access to begin the review process. For this reason, an Abstract cannot be changed after submission.

If you need to change the list of authors or any other changes that may affect the content of the Abstract, please send an email to abstracts@era-online.org by mid-April 2025.

Any changes to the author list must be approved by all authors of the Abstract (written confirmation).

Please note that once an Abstract has been published in the online NDT supplement, no further changes can be made.

I chose the wrong category for my Abstract, can I change it?

Yes, you can, but only until the Abstract submission deadline.

Once the Abstract has been submitted and the upload deadline has passed, the ERA 2025 Congress Paper Selection Committee has immediate access to begin the review process. For this reason, the Abstract category cannot be changed after the submission deadline.

If we change the presenting author of our Abstract, will he/she be eligible for the Congress membership discount?

No, only the original presenting author is eligible for the Congress membership discount.

FAQ - Travel Grants for Young Nephrologists

Frequently asked questions about Travel Grants for Young Nephrologists. Please note that the information below is constantly being updated.

How do I apply for an ERA Travel Grant?

In order to apply for these grants, applicants must select the option “Yes, I am applying for the ERA Travel Grant and I am not older than 40 years of age” during the Abstract submission process, under the “Custom Queries” page.

Please note that you can only apply during the Abstract submission process between November 18, 2024 and January 29, 2025.

What is the ERA Travel Grant?

The ERA offers up to a max. amount of EUR 1000 in travel grants to ERA members who are not older than 40 in the year in which the event is held. The amount of each travel grant is calculated by considering the applicant’s Abstract score and the distance between the city/country of residence and the city/country where the event is being held.

  1. Within the 7 best Abstracts submitted by young authors: 1 per main category – EUR 1000, free registration to ERA 2025 Congress and a special diploma.
  2. Within the 100 best Abstracts submitted by young authors: – EUR 500, free registration to ERA 2025 Congress and a special certificate.
  3. Within the same applicant’s city on which the event is being held – EUR 100, free registration to ERA 2025 Congress and a special certificate.

How will the Travel Grants be distributed?

ERA Headquarters will be responsible for collecting all Grant applications. The Travel Grant budget will be approved by the Committee. Once the allocation has been completed, the ERA Headquarters will notify the winners by e-mail.

How do I collect my travel grant?

Travel grant recipients must complete the form included in the letter of acceptance and return it to abstracts@era-online.org.

IMPORTANT: Payment of the travel grant is subject to the actual attendance of the grant holder at the Congress, who must present a valid identity card to the ERA staff present at the faculty desk during the days of the Congress and fill in and sign the relevant form.

Travel grants are exclusive and cannot be given to anyone else. No exceptions will be made. Payment of the grant will be made by bank transfer after the event. ERA cannot be held responsible for incorrect information provided by the grantee, which may lead to delays in the payment of the grant.

The travel grant will NOT be awarded if ERA has already covered the applicant’s hotel and/or travel expenses.

Does ERA help young Abstract authors from developing countries?

Yes, a certain number of grants will be given to presenting authors of accepted Abstracts (younger than 45) coming from developing countries (GDP less than USD 10,000 a year – World Bank database).

The number of grants should not be more than 10, with a minimum of 4, for each Congress: the final number will depend on how many replies will be received to the Congress survey feedback questionnaire, sent the year before (normally, for each 200 replies, one grant will be given).

The grant consists of a free Congress membership and a contribution of EUR 300 to help cover the travel expenses to attend the Congress.

The final selection of the winners will be done by the Congress Paper Selection Committee Chair taking into consideration the following parameters:

Age of the presenting author of the Abstract (preference will be given to the younger authors);

  • The GDP of the Country of residence (preference will be given to the Countries with lower GDP);
  • The world geographical area: the geographical area of the selected winners must be distributed as equally as possible.
  • Quality of the Abstract (preference will be given to the better Abstracts).

List of eligible countries can be found at this link.

When will I be notified if I have won the ERA travel grant?

Presenting authors will be informed of their acceptance or rejection starting in early April 2025.