The potential for improving cardio-renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease with the aldosterone synthase inhibitor vicadrostat (BI 690517): a rationale for the EASi-KIDNEY trial

Home | Events | Milan 2023 | New initiatives

New initiatives

ERA organizes the largest annual Nephrology Congress in Europe, welcoming thousands of attendees coming from all over the world, focusing on key learning features both in the clinical field as well as the scientific and latest innovations

New initiatives

Have a good start with QiGong Classes

QiGong is a 4000-year-old branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to prevent diseases. It combines gentle breathing and flowing movements with mindfulness and meditation. It strengthens the body for healing and it’s great exercise, fun to do, leaving you feeling refreshed, replenished, peaceful and calm. You do not need to bring any mats nor special clothes, just bring yourself!

The classes will be held by professional teachers from June 15 to June 18 at 7.30 am at CityLife Park (in front of MiCo). Let’s meet every morning to take care of our well-being.

How to participate

QiGong Classes are offered for free, but please do not forget to register to this initiative by sending an e-mail to


Members’ Networking Lounge

Come and enjoy a new dedicated space to relax and connect with other amazing nephrologists of the ERA Community.

Grab a coffee, take a break and relax in the seating areas of the lounge.

You can also strike a pose for a professional portrait by our photographer: your career is important to us.

The Members’ Networking Lounge will be placed on Level 2, in the Gold View Lounge. Exclusive access to all ERA Members. See you there!

Did you know?

You can now network among more than 18,000 ERA Members!

Get in touch with your peers through the Members Directory.

“Amazing Nephrologists” - ERA Member Art Gallery

Are you a talented artist? Do you like painting, drawing or taking pictures? Then we have good news for you!

At ERA23, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of our Association and we want to offer a special ‘art’ space to thank our Members, who have been yearly supporting ERA’s mission and vision.

We are an amazing Community, we cover different cultures, languages, lifestyles, but art is a universal and cross-cultural language. It’s a common ground.

Therefore, all ERA Members are invited to join this initiative and take advantage of the opportunity to showcase their artwork in our new Art Gallery within the Congress venue.

Kindly note that only ERA Members can participate. Submission is free of charge.

We do not take any responsibility for damages that might occur nor for works left on the wall after the end of the Congress. Please remember to recollect your work by June 18, 2023 at the latest, since we will not be able to ship artworks to your personal address. All the works that will be left at the Congress will automatically be donated to local hospitals or to the ERA HQ.

How to participate

  • Send an e-mail to to reserve your personal space – please explain what kind of work you would like to display at the Congress (paintings, pictures, drawings will be suitable).
  • Bring your personal work to the ERA Congress in Milan and hang it on the Art Gallery wall with the help of our staff.
  • At the end of the Congress, please remember to recollect your artwork – if you wish, you can donate it to the ERA HQ or to local institutions/hospitals.


Social media guidelines

The ERA encourages delegates and participants of the 60th Congress to publish and share tweets and posts related to the Congress and the Scientific presentations within the following rules:

  • Pictures and videos can be generally taken during scientific presentations, for personal use only, and can then be used on Social Media. The commercial use of pictures and videos taken during the 60th ERA Congress is NOT allowed.
  • If a speaker does not want pictures, videos and information regarding his/her presentation published on Social Media, he/she should clearly declare it before and during the presentation. In this case, participants are not allowed to take any pictures and/or videos of the presentation and then share them on Social Media; furthermore, they are also not allowed to share any kind of scientific information related to the presentation.
  • Comments and replies to other participants’ tweets and posts must be done with respect, education and with constructive criticism.
  • It is strictly forbidden to publish offensive, illegal, disrespectful, hateful and otherwise inappropriate comments, tweets and posts.

The ERA  reserves the right to remove comments, tweets or posts it deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate and that do not follow the Social Media rules written above.

Be social on #ERA23

Use the official hashtag of the 60th ERA Congress for all tweets or posts related to the 60th ERA Congress: #ERA23

Follow ERA on Social Media and read all the official information about the 60th ERA Congress.


SoMe Team

Find below the amazing team which will share knowledge, promote educational opportunities and offer complete coverage of #ERA23 on social media channels

Hugo Diniz, Portugal – SoMe Team Leader

Ana Luisa Correia, Portugal

Juliana Damas, Portugal

Gulay Demirtas, Turkey

Joana Gameiro, Portugal

Sarah Gleeson, United Kingdom

Eirini Leptokaridou, Greece

Şafak Mirioğlu, Turkey

Elsa Morgado, Portugal

Jasmina Mrgud, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mohankumar Nedunchezhiyan, India

Gonçalo Pimenta, Portugal

Cristina Adriana Popa, Romania

Sourabh Sharma, India

José Luís Silvano, Portugal

Sinead Stoneman, Ireland

Arunkumar Subbiah, India

Omar Enrique Taco Sanchez, Spain

Priscila Villalvazo, Spain

Jamie Willows, United Kingdom