A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension

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Glasgow 2026

Official information about the 63rd ERA Congress, Glasgow & Virtual, June 3-6, 2026

Glasgow 2026

Save the date

The 63rd ERA Congress will take place on June 3-6, 2026, both virtual and live in Glasgow.

63rd ERA Congress Presidents & Secretary

Roser Torra

Roser Torra

ERA President
Kate Stevens

Kate Stevens

Local Congress President
United Kingdom
Patrick Mark

Patrick Mark

Congress Secretary
United Kingdom

Avoid scammers

Be aware of fake e-mails/websites selling hotels/registrations for our 63rd ERA Congress.

If you are contacted by any such agency or have any questions regarding their legitimacy please don’t hesitate to contact us at era-congress@interplan.de

Kindly note that you may receive official emails from the official email sender address no-reply@mail.m-anage.com

Find below all the important and official addresses for the 63rd ERA Congress:

Further inquiries

ERA HQ Office
Strada dei Mercati 16/A
I-43126 Parma, Italy
Phone: +39 0521 989078

ERA Membership Office
Phone: +39 344 1409706

Congress Organisation/PCO

Interplan for ERA official PCO

Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG
Landsberger Str. 155, 80687 Munich
Phone: +49 89 548234-776
Main contact: Katharina Krines

Industry Relations Team/Industry Sales & Sponsorship

Sina Ehresmann
Phone: +49 40 325092 343


Julia Picking
Phone: +49 89 548234 836


Sandra Rudolph
Phone: +49 40 325092 40

Congress venue 2026

SEC – Scottish Event Campus

Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8YW