A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
La historia de Evgenia
Una experiencia de Beca del Registro de ERA en el campo de la epidemiología
Evgenia Preka
Reino Unido
Ex becaria del registro de ERA, Amsterdam AMC, Países Bajos
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Beatriz Sanchez Alamo
The ERA Fellowship Program is an excellent opportunity for all young European nephrologists who are interested in enhancing their knowledge and advancing their careers. I had the chance to join this program, and I am very grateful for all the enriching experiences that brought me.

Stefania Drovandi
ERA Fellowship has allowed me to expand my knowledge and gain essential skills necessary to carry out research activities in the field of genetic diseases. I had the opportunity to work with international foremost experts and researchers and to learn from them how to properly lead scientific research.

Guobin Su
During my ERA fellowship, I had a chance to investigate how diet adherence and healthy lifestyle have impact on outcomes in patients receiving hemodialysis using the data from DIET-HD study, a multicenter, multinational, prospective, cohort study that was primarily designed to evaluate the association between diet and adverse outcomes in adults treated with long-term

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