The potential for improving cardio-renal outcomes in chronic kidney disease with the aldosterone synthase inhibitor vicadrostat (BI 690517): a rationale for the EASi-KIDNEY trial

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La historia de Diana

Avance de las habilidades profesionales y mejora de la práctica para los niños a través de la Fellowship ERA

Diana Voskanyan

Diana Voskanyan

Exbecaria en la Universidad Médica de Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Alemania

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Jennifer Lees
Jennifer Lees

Since receiving the ERA Eberhard Ritz Award, I have been invited to speak at international meetings, have progressed to more influential roles within international research groups, taken on a new editorial position and successfully obtained funding for a new research programme.

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Aurora Perez Gomez
Aurora Perez Gomez

The ERA National Grant is a recognition of my work by the most important European society in the field of Nephrology. As I aim to pursue my scientific career in Nephrology, this grant holds significant value and deserves a place on my CV.

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Evgenia Preka
Evgenia Preka

The ERA fellowship program in paediatric nephrology and clinical epidemiology has provided me with the specialized training and experience necessary to advance my career in this field.

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Comparte tu historia, inspira a otros, y celebra la Comunidad ERA

Haz que tu voz se escuche, inspira a los demás y celebra la Comunidad ERA participando en este emocionante proyecto. Estamos ansiosos por recibir tus historias y destacar a los individuos extraordinarios que componen nuestra asociación.