A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
ERA Neph-Manual
An exclusive ERA Membership benefit

Training Support for Young Nephrologists
This Manual, presented as an e-book on the ERA platform, is specifically designed for young nephrologists and is meant to support their training in and broaden their knowledge of the nephrology specialty.
The Manual consists of different chapters covering various aspects of kidney disease and discusses pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment in clearly subdivided blocks, accompanied by graphs and illustrations. Each chapter ends with several ‘test yourself’ and multiple-choice questions.
What is the new ERA Neph-Manual?
Boost your career
The aim of this new ERA publication is to foster medical expertise based on a combination of presenting interesting case examples and a discussion of pathophysiologic mechanisms and principles of therapy.
The chapters are all written by experts in the field together with young nephrologists as co-authors. There will be regular updates of the already published chapters according to further advancements in the field.
Jeroen Kooman, The Netherlands
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