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Der nationale ERA-Grant als Schlüsselressource für junge Fachleute in der Nephrologie

Tiago Pinto Coelho

Sieger des 2023 ERA National Grant mit der Belgischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie

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Olimkhon Sharapov
Olimkhon Sharapov

Considering that ERA is a very authoritative and representative nephrology association not only in Europe but throughout the world, the ERA National Societies Grant is certainly a significant achievement for my career and it already takes pride of place in my CV.

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Stefania Drovandi
Stefania Drovandi

ERA Fellowship has allowed me to expand my knowledge and gain essential skills necessary to carry out research activities in the field of genetic diseases. I had the opportunity to work with international foremost experts and researchers and to learn from them how to properly lead scientific research.

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Karol Graňák
Karol Graňák

ERA influences my daily work primarily through education. By watching regular webinars with experienced experts in the field and accessing the best nephrology journals, I gain very valuable knowledge in nephrology. I plan to apply for a clinical fellowship abroad, which ERA also offers.

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