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Die Geschichte von Thimoteus

Die Auswirkungen der ERA-Auszeichnungen für junge Forscher auf eine Karriere in der Nephrologie

Thimoteus Speer

Thimoteus Speer

Gewinner des ERA-EDTA Stanley Shaldon Preises für junge Ermittler 2021

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Adamantia Bratsiakou
Adamantia Bratsiakou

The ERA National Grant gave me the opportunity to attend the 60th Congress in Milan. Attending lectures by leading scientists in their field was a unique chance for me to expand my knowledge and I had also the opportunity to present my scientific work.

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Jennifer Lees
Jennifer Lees

Since receiving the ERA Eberhard Ritz Award, I have been invited to speak at international meetings, have progressed to more influential roles within international research groups, taken on a new editorial position and successfully obtained funding for a new research programme.

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Armenuhi Hazoyan
Armenuhi Hazoyan

Training gave me the opportunity to rise to a new professional level, work with leading experts in the field, acquire important professional partnership connections, and taught me how to choose the right sources and formats for education and continuous development.

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Teilen Sie Ihre Geschichte, inspirieren Sie andere und feiern Sie die ERA Gemeinschaft

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