Epidemiological and clinicopathological characteristics of vascular-limited renal AL amyloidosis
Die Geschichte von Hanne
Die Auswirkungen des ERA-Stipendiums auf die Zusammenarbeit in der Forschung und internationale Vernetzung
Hanne Skou Jørgensen
Ehemaliger Stipendiat an der KU Leuven, Belgien
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Karol Graňák
ERA influences my daily work primarily through education. By watching regular webinars with experienced experts in the field and accessing the best nephrology journals, I gain very valuable knowledge in nephrology. I plan to apply for a clinical fellowship abroad, which ERA also offers.
Sol Carriazo
ERA has had a significant impact on both my career and education. The resources, opportunities, and networking platforms provided by ERA have been instrumental in my professional growth.
Beatriz Sanchez Alamo
The ERA Fellowship Program is an excellent opportunity for all young European nephrologists who are interested in enhancing their knowledge and advancing their careers. I had the chance to join this program, and I am very grateful for all the enriching experiences that brought me.
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