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Die Geschichte von Adamantia

Erweiterung des Wissens zu verschiedenen Nephrologieforschungspfaden durch das nationale Stipendium von ERA

Adamantia Bratsiakou

Adamantia Bratsiakou

Gewinnerin des ERA-Nationalstipendiums 2022 mit der Hellenischen Nationalgesellschaft für Nephrologie

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Sol Carriazo
Sol Carriazo

ERA has had a significant impact on both my career and education. The resources, opportunities, and networking platforms provided by ERA have been instrumental in my professional growth.

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Izabella Kuźmiuk-Glembin
Izabella Kuźmiuk-Glembin

Through numerous webinars, workshops and conferences, I expand and update my knowledge on a daily basis, which is incredibly useful in my work.

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Olimkhon Sharapov
Olimkhon Sharapov

Considering that ERA is a very authoritative and representative nephrology association not only in Europe but throughout the world, the ERA National Societies Grant is certainly a significant achievement for my career and it already takes pride of place in my CV.

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