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Women of ERA Task Force

Women of ERA Task Force

About us

The main purpose of the Women of ERA (WERA) Task Force is to raise awareness of gender balance in nephrology, and the importance of encouraging female nephrologists to actively contribute to scientific research and dissemination through their participation in educational events (congresses, CME, e-seminars) as speakers.

The WERA Task Force, in cooperation with the Electronic Communication Committee (ECC) of the ERA, promotes specific awareness campaigns and could organise, in collaboration with the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the ERA Congress, a special session about women in nephrology at the ERA annual Congress.

Task Force Members

Lucia Del Vecchio

Lucia Del Vecchio


Olga Balafa, Greece

Ana Garcia-Prieto, Spain

Magdalena Jankowska, Poland

Nilufar Mohebbi, Switzerland

Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck, Belgium