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ERA Awards

Discover the ERA Awards and the ERA Awards for Young Investigators

ERA Awards

ERA assigns prestigious Awards in the following categories:

  1. Award for Outstanding clinical contributions to nephrology and/or dialysis and/or transplantation
  2. Award for Outstanding basic science contributions to nephrology and/or dialysis and/or transplantation
  3. Award for Research excellence in nephrology (clinical or basic science)
  4. Outstanding contribution to the ERA
  5. Excellence in the field of sustainable nephrology

The nomination for the categories 1-2-3 is open to all ERA members who can submit proposals for outstanding colleagues who could be nominated. Nominees must be ERA members.

Please keep in mind that for the Research Excellence Award there is an additional requirement: the candidate must be between 41 and 60 years old in the year of the nomination.

All nominations must be accompanied by recommendation letters which must clearly specify:

  • the category of the Award (Clinical contribution, Basic Science contribution or Research Excellence) of the supporting candidate;
  • the candidate’s H-Index calculated using the Web of Science;
  • the candidate’s scientific achievements.

In case of questions about the procedure, feel free to send an email to sab@era-online.org.

The call for candidates for the 2025 ERA Awards is closed!

The winners will be awarded during the 62nd ERA Congress which will take place on June 4-7, 2025.

2025 ERA Awards Winners

Colin Baigent

Colin Baigent

ERA Award for Outstanding clinical contributions to nephrology
United Kingdom
Carsten Wagner

Carsten Wagner

ERA Award for Outstanding basic science contributions to nephrology
Ingeborg Bajema

Ingeborg Bajema

ERA Award for Research excellence in nephrology
The Netherlands

Francesca Mallamaci

Francesca Mallamaci

ERA Award for Outstanding contribution to the Society
Faissal Tarrass

Faissal Tarrass

ERA Award for Excellence in the field of sustainable nephrology

ERA Awards for Young Investigators

The Awardees will receive the “ERA Awards for Young Investigators”, named after one of the three Nephrology Masters, which consists of a prize of EUR 10,000.00. Furthermore, the winners will also be invited guests to the next 62nd ERA Congress (Vienna and Virtual, June 4-7, 2025). They will receive free accommodation, travel and congress registration. They will also receive a plaque and a diploma. Finally, the winners will receive three years of free ERA membership and, automatically, become Board members of one of the Board of an ERA Working Group of their choice.

Candidatures are open to all YNP Members (40 years old and younger at the time of receiving the Award; an extension of the age limit can be considered if the applicant’s career has been interrupted due to childcare or severe illness; in any case this extension cannot exceed 2 years) who are also ERA Full members and:

  • at least 5 first/last author papers in kidney research-related studies (renal medicine) Journals;
  • oral presentations at international conferences to present their own data;
  • an accepted abstract at the ERA Congress.

The call for candidates for the 2025 ERA Awards for Young Investigators is closed!

The winners will be awarded during the 61st ERA Congress which will take place on June 4-7, 2025.

Dedicated to

the 3 well-known Masters in Nephrology, Rosanna Gusmano, Stanley Shaldon and Eberhard Ritz, the three Awards are designed to be an acknowledgement to Young Investigators who, thanks to their early achievements, stimulate the dialogue between education and research.

Rosanna Gusmano Award

Rosanna Gusmano Award

For young investigators in basic science
Stanley Shaldon    Award

Stanley Shaldon Award

For young investigators in translational science
Eberhard Ritz        Award

Eberhard Ritz Award

For young investigators in clinical science

2025 ERA Awards for Young Investigators Winners

Florian Siegerist

Florian Siegerist

ERA Rosanna Gusmano Award for Young Investigators in basic science


Markus Rinschen

Markus Rinschen

ERA Stanley Shaldon Award for Young Investigators in translational science
Eleni Stamellou

Eleni Stamellou

ERA Stanley Shaldon Award for Young Investigators in translational science


Dearbhla Kelly

Dearbhla Kelly

ERA Eberhard Ritz Award for Young Investigators in clinical science
Robin Vernooij

Robin Vernooij

ERA Eberhard Ritz Award for Young Investigators in clinical science
The Netherlands

Past Awardees

Discover all the ERA and ERA-EDTA Awardees from 2011 to 2025