Digital physical activity intervention via the Kidney BEAM platform in patients with polycystic kidney disease
Manuel’s story
The role of reviewers in shaping nephrology research
Manuel Praga
2023 NDT Top Reviewer
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Nuri Baris Hasbal
My motivation to serve as a reviewer for CKJ stems from a desire to ensure that high-quality, rigorously validated research reaches the nephrology community. I am driven by the opportunity to help shape the dialogue in the field by promoting innovation, critical thinking, and clinical relevance

Karoline Rosenkranz
The ERA National Grant initiative encourages young members to present their work in a professional and bigger setting and thus, developing further skills important for their future career.
It’s a great opportunity for education and recognition within the field of nephrology and gives the young members of our community a voice.

Pierre Delanaye
If you consider yourself as a researcher, the reviewing process is just part of your job and, as a European researcher, my motivation is to serve as a reviewer for NDT, the journal of the European Renal Association. Reviewing papers also keeps me updated on the latest developments in my field, enhancing my own research and understanding.

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