A ERA synopsis for nephrology practice of the 2023 ESH Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
ERA Endorsements
How to obtain the ERA endorsement
ERA can give endorsement to scientific events, courses, and congresses organised by third parties. To obtain the ERA endorsement and promote the initiative on this page, read the regulations and fill in the application form.
ERA can grant non-financial support to long-term projects of third parties as forums and websites scientifically valuable or educationally significant and deal with kidney or related topics. To request the ERA non-financial support, read the regulations and fill in the application form.
Role of anti-drug antibodies in Fabry Disease
18th Congress of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN 2025)
Columbia Renal Biopsy Course 2025
43rd Vicenza Course AKI-CRRT-EBPT and Critical Care Nephrology
CKD-MBD Master Class 2025: CKD-MBD: From the patient's bedside to laboratory cells and back: a bidirectional journey
Nephro Update Europe 2025
Cardiometabolic Forum

The Cardiometabolic Forum provides a single source of information relating to the treatment of cardiometabolic disease. Its aims are to present the latest research for clinicians to be able to assimilate and utilise in clinical practice to optimise treatment and improve outcomes for patients. The objective is to ensure rapid and easy access to research and education so that busy clinicians have a reliable resource for the latest information to use in their clinical management of patients and in delivering their own educational initiatives.
Vascular access handbook for people with kidney disease

By the Spanish Multidisciplinary Vascular Access Group (GEMAV)
Nobody Left Outside

The Nobody Left Outside (NLO) initiative is a collective of organisations representing people in some of the most marginalised communities in Europe, including homeless people, LGTBI people, people who use drugs, prisoners, sex workers and undocumented migrants. Read more here.