Digital physical activity intervention via the Kidney BEAM platform in patients with polycystic kidney disease

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ERN Working Group

European Renal Nutrition Working Group

ERN Working Group

About us

The European Renal Nutrition Working Group aims to conduct research on the impact of lifestyle, diet, nutrient homeostasis and protein-energy wasting (PEW) management on chronic kidney disease (CKD) outcomes. European research in this field is already high quality but hampered by reduced funding, small patient cohorts and scientific isolation.

To overcome these obstacles, ERN aims to create solid and multinational European collaborations to deepen the understanding of nutrition and CKD complications.

Furthermore, ERN collaborates on educational activities to improve and disseminate knowledge in the field of Renal Nutrition within the ERA Congresses, CME courses, consensus statements and review articles, also in collaboration with other ERA Working Groups and Committees.

Finally and overall, it aims to stimulate joint initiatives with other European and International Societies in Renal Nutrition.

Contacts & Resources


What is the role of the ERN Working Group?

Join this Working Group

Join this Working Group

Becoming an Ordinary Member of an ERA Working Group is easy and free of charge. Ordinary Members must be ERA Members with a proven interest in the research area covered by the WG.

By joining the ERN Working Group you will receive updates on the Working Group initiatives: e-seminars, CMEs, research projects and networking opportunities.

To become an Ordinary Member and receive the ERN WG Newsletter take a few simple steps:
1. Login with your My ERA account
3. Click on Working Groups
4. Select ERN from the list and click on Submit

ERN Research Projects

The ERN Working Group has conducted a research project titled “Food as medicine in chronic kidney disease“, made possible through the support of the ERA Long-Term Research Fellowship programme.

Useful resources suggested by the ERN Working Group

The specific content of these links is selected by the ERN Working Group, therefore ERA has no responsibility

The Importance of Nutrition to Prevent and Treat Low Muscle Mass

This video was built to fulfil mainly the needs of individuals with cancer, but it can be of use for educative purposes also for individuals on dialysis treatment.

Dutch, EnglishFrench (Canadian), Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish



Eating a plant-based diet with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

This educational material was developed by the Association of UK Dietitians / Renal Nutrition Specialist Group, it is directed to patients with CKD and contains information regarding plant-based diet.

Discover more here

ERN Board

The ERN Board provides strategic direction to the working group. Board members enhance the exchange of expertise and international cooperation.

Giorgina Piccoli

Giorgina Piccoli

Carla Avesani

Carla Avesani

Vice-Chair & Chair-Elect

Stephan Bakker, The Netherlands

Adamasco Cupisti, Italy – Vice-Chair Elect

Andrew Davenport, United Kingdom

Liliana Garneata, Romania

Carolina Gracia-Iguacel, Spain

Karine Moreau, France

Alice Sabatino, Sweden

Wesley Visser, The Netherlands

Events organised by ERN

Joint event of ERN and Diabesity WG: Cross talks between diabetes, obesity and nutrition in renal disease
Paris, France, November 8-9, 2018