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DESCaRTES Working Group

Developing Education Science and Care for Renal Transplantation in European States Working Group

DESCaRTES Working Group

About us

Kidney transplantation is a relevant part of Nephrology. Indeed, nearly 50% of patients with primary kidney failure live with a kidney transplant in Europe. Therefore, increasing kidney transplantation visibility and disseminating its knowledge may benefit the nephrological community.

The knowledge about kidney transplantation and current standard practices in kidney transplantation varies between European countries and nephrologists and objective, unbiased educational activities may help to increase the post-transplant outcome in European patients further.

The acronym DESCaRTES (Developing Education Science and Care for Renal Transplantation in European States) best summarizes the activity and mission of the group.

The DESCaRTES Working Group aims to contribute through education and research to the improvement of the care of patients living with a kidney transplant, enhancing networking opportunities for young clinicians and scientists interested in this particular field of nephrology.

Contacts & Resources

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Join this Working Group

Becoming an Ordinary Member of an ERA Working Group is easy and free of charge. Ordinary Members must be ERA Members with a proven interest in the research area covered by the WG.

By joining the DESCaRTES Working Group you will receive updates on the Working Group initiatives: e-seminars, CMEs, research projects and networking opportunities.

To become an Ordinary Member and receive the DESCaRTES WG Newsletter take a few simple steps:
1. Login with your My ERA account
3. Click on Working Groups
4. Select DESCaRTES from the list and click on Submit


The DESCaRTES Board provides strategic direction to the working group. Board members enhance the exchange of expertise and international cooperation.

Christophe Mariat

Christophe Mariat

Ilaria Gandolfini

Ilaria Gandolfini


Luuk Hilbrands – Past-Chair, The Netherlands

Ivana Dedinska, Slovakia

Erol Demir, Türkiye

Helen Erlandsson, Sweden

Rachel Hellemans, Belgium

Mario Schiffer, Germany

Adnan Sharif, United Kingdom

Arzu Velioglu, Türkiye

Annelies de Weerd, The Netherlands

Events organised by DESCaRTES

Clinical Transplantation Day (CTDay) 2020
October 30, 2020, Fully virtual

Clinical Transplantation Day (CTDay) 2019
November 29, 2019, Barcelona, Spain

Clinical Transplantation Day (CTDay) 2018
November 30, 2018, Barcelona, Spain

DESCaRTES CME Course 2018 “Making the right decision in kidney transplantation: current controversies on clinical and ethical issues”