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YNP Free Membership Programme


 I. Paper-based free membership

  1. Only active YNP members can receive this free ERA membership;
  2. A 1-year free membership will be given to all YNP members who have had an accepted original or review publication in NDT or CKJ (subject to availability);
  3. This type of 1-year free membership can be received only twice by the same person;
  4. This free membership should be used for the consecutive calendar year in which the paper is accepted;
  5. This free membership cannot be given to eligible winners who have already received a free membership by ERA under another program for the current year;
  6. Only the corresponding, first, or last author can receive this free ERA membership;
  7. The member has to send the “pdf” form of her/his paper to the YNP (ynp@era-online.org) in order to apply for this free membership;
  8. Free memberships give the same benefits as the Junior Membership;
  9. No more than 20 free memberships can be given each calendar year, therefore no more than 20 applications will be supported each year: the selection will be made on a first come-first serve basis.


II. Congress-based free membership

  1. Only active YNP members can receive this free ERA membership; the YNP member must be an active member both at the moment of the submission and acceptance of the abstract.
  2. A 1-year free membership will be given, automatically, to the authors of the first best 30 abstracts for oral presentation in an ERA Congress (subject to the Paper Selection Committee review);
  3. Each member has to indicate whether she/he wants to apply for this free membership programme when she/he submits her/his abstract to Congress;
  4. The selection is based on the quality score of the abstract. The first best 30 abstracts should be selected;
  5. No more than 30 free memberships can be given each calendar year;
  6. This 1-year free membership obtained through this programme can be received only twice by the same person;
  7. This free membership should be used the consecutive calendar year;
  8. This free membership cannot be given to eligible winners who have already received a free membership by ERA under another program for the current year;
  9. Free memberships give the same benefits as the Junior Membership.


Last update: August 2022